I am being recruited because I am receiving letters from colleges.

Hate to break it to you but thousands of other kids are getting the same exact letter as you are. You are in their database which is cool but that does not qualify as being recruited. When you get a real recruiting letter (not just an invite to their camp) you will know the difference.

I am the best player on my team so coaches will find me.

As recruiting budgets continually get cut, college coaches have fewer staff and financial resources to find you, even more so if you are a little off of the beaten path.

I have got until my senior year to get the recruiting process started.

Wake up, look around, and see how many kids on your team the past three seasons that did not start the recruiting process early (in their frosh, soph, or early in their junior year) are playing at the next level.

If I am not a top player, I can not get recruited.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The key to getting recruited is setting realistic expectations on what level you can actually compete at athletically and academically then getting (and staying) on the staff radar by consistently providing them relevant information to evaluate you (like highlights, grades, test scores and stats).

My coach has a bunch of connections so I am all set.

That is great. You should leverage every opportunity you can to get additional exposure. That said, it would not be wise to put all of your eggs in this basket, or any basket for that matter.

I am an awesome player so my bad grades are no big deal.

Wrong. The first thing any college coach at any level looks at is your grades to see if you qualify academically before they invest time any amount of time evaluating your athletic ability.

I do not need a highlight video, my stats are enough.

After coaches look at your grades and test scores to see if you qualify academically, your highlight video is the single most important thing a coach needs to see in order to evaluate whether or not you are a potential fit for their program - and the highlight film needs to be short and sweet and create instant WOWs - or they are off to the next kid.

Coaches look at the highlight CDs my dad mails out.

Back in the pre-Internet days this was absolutely true because there was no other way, besides going to a game, to get a look at an athlete. The Internet has changed the recruiting playing field forever and technology has made it so simple (a click of a mouse) to evaluate 10 times the number of kids in the same amount of time it took to view one. Sorry dad.

I am doing combines, camps and showcases which is getting me plenty of exposure.

This is in fact true if you are placing in the 95th percentile. You will absolutely get additional exposure which will help you get on the radar of more schools. That said, the truth is that the majority of student athletes competing at these types of events gain little to no benefit in the recruiting process, in fact, if you do poorly, your times and performance are non-erasable from the Internet.

My team plays in a tough division so scouts will discover me.

This does not exactly sound like a recruiting plan. Yes, you may in fact get lucky, but the law of averages is not on your side. Too many athletes from top teams in their STATE fall under the radar so why would you just happen to be the lucky one who lands the scholarship?


Success Stories

Sonet Yee

We are living in Rhode Island, the smallest state of U.S. and on the extreme East of the country, if we had not used your service, I do not think any College or University on the West had ever heard of Sonet’s high school and would take interest in her. Thanks to you and CSA/PrepStar, after you put her profile in the CSA/PrepStar website, she had been contacted by so many college recruiters nationwide that she hardly kept up with all of them.

Fran Yee
Griffin Garcia

Hello my name is Griffin Garcia, and I’m a senior at Steinbrenner High School; I joined Csa Prepstar with Derek Del Rosal about 3 months ago and the results have been amazing. I signed up with him on a Sunday and the very next day I had college coaches texting me. Before signing up I only had the basic showcase emails and not much serious talk from colleges, but that really did change through Derek. Just like he says he’s invested in his atheletes, he was out at my practices that ran to 10:00 pm on weekdays just to check in and take videos for colleges and many different things. There were very few fall games that I didn’t see him up in the stands taking videos or on the phone with different colleges. Everyone is at a different skill level, therefor obviously he can’t guarantee that everyone will get to a school but I can testify for my relationship with him and what he did for me, and I went from having no serious college interest, to recently committing to Flagler college and he’s a huge reason why. He truly is dedicated to his athletes and has a lot of connections to different schools, from my time with him I believe it was worth the time, effort, and money. Thank you Mr. Derek.

Griffin Garcia
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