Pass, Set, & Kill Recruiting!

  • Over 75,000 Student-Athlete Success Stories since 1982!
  • More than $2.5 Billion in Athletic Scholarships & Financial Aid!
  • 107 Division I, II, III, NAIA and JUCO Men's Programs
  • 1,447 Division I, II, III, NAIA and JUCO Women's Programs
  • Over 2,000 Registered College Volleyball Coaches!
  • Unmatched Success Rate with Qualified, Verified, Next-Level Prospects! Up to 95% with PrepStar Elite 360 verified prospects.

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Volleyball Recruiting Timeline

Success Stories

Chuck Mcdade

We started with CSA-PrepStar in the Middle of December 2006. Chuck signed on February 7th 2007, for a 100% Full Ride Scholarship with Nicholls State a Division 1-AA College in the Southland Conference! We had our pick of Colleges to choose from for his Campus Visits! All the Colleges he visited offered him 100% Full Rides. I was so very worried when we starting so late in his Senior Year. We knew we had to make some aggressive move s really fast. CSA-PrepStar changed everything for him. Within 2 weeks we started getting phone calls and e-mails! It was the most wonderful thing to see happening. That is one of the Best Tools to use on CSA-PrepStar to get your child out there and seen. This has been the greatest experience ever. I would highly recommend CSA-PrepStar and advise parents to please start in their Child's Junior Year if not sooner.

Timi Finley John
Sonet Yee

We are living in Rhode Island, the smallest state of U.S. and on the extreme East of the country, if we had not used your service, I do not think any College or University on the West had ever heard of Sonet’s high school and would take interest in her. Thanks to you and CSA/PrepStar, after you put her profile in the CSA/PrepStar website, she had been contacted by so many college recruiters nationwide that she hardly kept up with all of them.

Fran Yee
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